Persetujuan tindakan medis
Persetujuan tindakan medis

the data use in the research is the secondary data consisted of primary law and secondary law material. Relating with that case the research method use is normative law research which focuses on norm and is supported by secondary data as the primary data, such as law regulation relating with the research and literature or books which are relate with the problem.

persetujuan tindakan medis

The purpose of this research is to know whether every medical action related with informed consent in the medical service always has criminal responsibility. In order to support that, informed consent is needed in every medical action.

persetujuan tindakan medis

It is closely related with the basic right of human being.

persetujuan tindakan medis

PERTANGGUNGJAWABAN PIDANA DALAM PELAYANAN MEDIK YANG TERKAIT INFORMED CONSENTBudianto, NoviPeradilan dan Penyelesaian Sengketa HukumSociety not only as an object in the medical service but also as a subject in it.

Persetujuan tindakan medis